I have been using Foto-kem for about a year for both color and black
and white.  I have found them to be fast and reliable, many times I
have sent them odd film stocks and asked them to process them in odd
ways and they have always done it, and if any questions came up they
contacted me immediately.  I even asked them once if they would sell
me small amounts of print stock and they did! Twice!  I give them a
thumbs up.  I have never had them telecine anything so i can't speak
to that, but for processing, I have had positive experiences with

-Eric Stewart

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Christopher Harris
<charri...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need some lab work done and I'm wondering if anyone has any feedback to
> report about Fotokem in LA (or New York for that matter).
> I need 16mm b/w negative processing, work printing and uncompressed
> quicktime transfer.
> Thanks for any and all feedback about Fotokem.
> CH
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