*Adolfas Mekas's HALLELUJAH THE HILLS *– projected on 16mm!
1963, 82 minutes, 16mm, b&w.

*FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 2012*
Screening 8 PM
$5-10 sliding scale

Adolfas Mekas, who passed away last May, was an ingenious filmmaker,
co-founder of Film Culture with his brother, filmmaker, Jonas Mekas, and
the beloved founder and chair of “The People’s Film Department of Bard
College.” Adolfas’s first feature film, HALLELUJAH THE HILLS was selected
for the first New York Film Festival, was a hit at the Cannes Film
Festival, and won the Silver Sail at Locarno.

*“Loopy in more ways than one, HILLS isn’t so much a linear narrative as an
ongoing do-si-do between two madcap man-boys—bespectacled nebbish Leo
(Marty Greenbaum) and studly Ivy League dipsomaniac Jack (Peter H.
Beard)—in pursuit of the same girl, Vera, who’s coyly played by two
actresses (Sheila Finn and Peggy Steffans) representing Leo and Jack’s
different views of their shared paramour. In between wooing, the cast tool
around wintery Vermont in a jeep, romp naked through icy waters, and spoof
the art-film canon, from Griffith to Kurosawa. The finale brings a secret
woodland cache of ga-ga-ga-goils and a film-stopping cameo from googly-eyed
underground jester Taylor Mead. The result is a dizzy time capsule of
proto-revolutionary anarchy, like bits of youthful, energetic innocence
frozen in the snowdrifts of time.”* -Ed Halter, VILLAGE VOICE

*“HALLELUJAH proved clearly that Adolfas is someone to be reckoned with. He
is a master in the field of pure invention, that is to say, in working
dangerously – ‘without a net.’ His film, made according to the good old
principle – one idea for each shot – has the lovely scent of fresh
ingenuity and crafty sweetness. Physical efforts and intellectual gags are
boldly put together. The slightest thing moves you and makes you laugh – a
badly framed bush, a banana stuck in a pocket, a majorette in the
snow.”*-Jean-Luc Godard, CAHIERS DU CINÉMA

*“In this antic, freewheeling comedy from 1962, the director tells a story
of love, loss and lunacy as filtered through movie madness – his
characters’ and his own….”* -Richard Brody, THE NEW YORKER

Special thanks to Pola Chapelle, Effie Asili, and the Bard College Film



*Basilica Hudson’s* 2012 season runs from May-October, and includes a
weekly film program which will present an array of works ranging from new
and repertory narrative features, documentaries, experimental films, video
and media art, and guest curated programs, often with filmmakers and
special guests present for a discussion following the screenings.

This season’s program features collaborations with local artists and
projects including The Oral History Summer School, a program by Cinemad’s
Mike Plante, and rarely seen classics presented by The Film Desk,
including: Susan Sontag’s Promised Lands, Truffaut’s The Wild Child, and
Godard’s Every Man for Himself, and much more.

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