Good Evening Frameworkers,

I'd like to extend to you all an invitation to take part in *The GrandFlower
Ceremony *on* Sunday, July 8th *at* Millenium Film Workshop* in Manhattan.
To participate, *please bring in any ORIGINAL 16mm film that you would be
willing to sacrifice and destroy in our ritual bleach bath*.

Let me explain a bit further:

The GrandFlower is a ritual honoring the detritus of analogue film
production.  *We are looking for your scraps, outtakes, failures, and
various other lost, found and forgotten 16mm footage. * We ask that you
bring this film to our service, that you allow us to screen it one final
time, and then we ask that you let it go.  We hope to bring honor to your
images and to thrill ourselves in the presence of something that is truly
fleeting.  Our vehicle of sacrifice is a translucent plexiglass structure
modeled after the continuous processing machines from which these films
were born, and *as our ceremony progresses you will be able observe your
film emulsion dissolve before your eyes. * You can see the destroyer at
work here:

Our ceremony starts promptly at 8pm.  Libations will be provided.  All are

A few specifications for the sacrifice:

* *Sacrificial film can be of any length*, from single frames (with a
little leader at the head and tail please) to several minutes of footage.
* You are welcome to shoot new roll for the ceremony or to edit a real from
multiple rolls of film.
* Please bring ORIGINAL 16mm film only.  No dupes, no prints please (We'd
like to make this a sacrifice in true, and its just not the  same if theres
* You will be asked to say a few words for your film before it screens.
*Admission is free for those who bring film.

Here's hoping to see you there,

Josh Lewis

P.S. we're also looking for a few more ushers to facilitate our services,
if interested, email me:
FrameWorks mailing list

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