Is there anyway to get a legal fund going for this chap? This group seems
well connected from my estimation.

On Sunday, September 9, 2012, Tim Halloran wrote:

> Wow.
> Those that can't, steal.
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 7, 2012, at 1:07 AM, "Pip Chodorov" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > September 2012
> >
> > To all filmmakers, film critics, film archivists,
> > film academics, curators, festival directors, and
> > film enthusiasts everywhere-
> >
> > I am writing to you because something very
> > unforeseen, very unexpected, and most unpleasant
> > recently happened in my life,
> >
> > When I moved to Paris seven years ago, I had to
> > decide whether or not to take with me copies of
> > my films, video masters, early drafts of scripts,
> > duplicates of reviews and announcements, etc.
> > When I mentioned this to Ray Carney, tenured
> > professor at Boston University and author of
> > several books on John Cassavetes and who also
> > claims he is "generally recognized to be the
> > leading scholarly authority on American narrative
> > art film," he eagerly offered to hold all of my
> > materials. I accepted his offer, with the
> > understanding that he would return them to me
> > upon request and that they remain at BU. Five
> > years later, in 2010, I requested the return of
> > some of my video masters to make copies of them
> > for various film archives in Europe. Carney duly
> > returned those video masters to me. They were in
> > excellent condition.
> >
> > Since that time, various companies have expressed
> > interest in streaming my films, and UCLA, in
> > conjunction with The Sundance Institute, have
> > volunteered to archive video masters of Sundance
> > alumni films. In early April, I made several
> > requests to Carney for the return of my
> > materials. I sent Carney several e-mails (to
> > various e-mail addresses), and I called his home
> > and office and left numerous messages. Carney
> > ignored all of my attempts to reach him. As a
> > result, I hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit in
> > Massachusetts, where a judge issued a temporary
> > restraining order and a preliminary injunction
> > against Carney. The court entered a default
> > against Carney (who had not responded to my
> > complaint) and ordered Carney to return the
> > materials to me, or else be held in contempt of
> > court. After that, Carney hired a lawyer who
> > stated Carney intends to defend his conduct by
> > arguing that I "gave" him the materials outright
> > as "a gift."
> >
> > There is much at stake here for me. Without the
> > digital video masters, my films, everything prior
> > to 1990, Casual Relations, Local Color, The
> > Scenic Route, Impostors, Mark Rappaport-The TV
> > Spin-Off, Chain Letters, plus the High-Definition
> > version of Exterior Night, cannot be made
> > available for streaming, commercial DVDs,
> > video-on-demand, or any electronic delivery
> > system down the road. My life as a filmmaker, my
> > past, and even my future reputation as a
> > filmmaker are at stake. I gave Carney no rights
> > to my materials except the right to hold them and
> > return them to me on request. His lawyer has
> > refused to disclose the current location of my
> > materials.
> >
> > Carney tried to cast doubt on the truthfulness of
> > the inventory I presented. Furthermore, under
> > oath, he stated "some of the items I received I
> > no longer have because I gave them away to third
> > parties. I discarded other items due to the
> > degraded and unusable condition they were in when
> > I received them. Finally, I discarded other items
> > at later dates after they were worn-out by the
> > normal wear and tear of being used." This is
> > sworn statement from Carney who, earlier, on his
> > website bragged, "Mark is a great friend and gave
> > me almost everything he owned when he left New
> > York for FranceŠ So I am now the 'Mark Rappaport
> > Archive.' I have the largest collection of
> > material by him in the world: file cabinets and
> > storage bins full of amazing things: production
> > notebooks, film prints, rough drafts, revisions,
> > scripts, film stock, DVDs, tapes, notes,
> > jottings, journals, etc. etc. etc. It's a dream
> > come true for me and one of the major film
> > collections by one of the world's greatest
> > artists. All being preserved f
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