This time HASENHERZ travels to Australia to bring you animation films of Wendy Vaintiy. 

Come and see for yourself!

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz 
Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz, Austria
Saturday, May 25, 2013  11 a.m.
in conversation with artist Fiona Rukschcio.

48 year old Adelaide, Australia based Wendy Vainity is the newest discovery in the 3D animation circuit. Wendy is a "cat lover/try hard gardener/port Adelaide power supporter/freeware addict." Her collection of homemade 3D animations ranges from the surreal to the creepy to the outright bizarre. Her animations raise questions about the distinction between outsider art and just plain art. But there's a clear sense of humor in the videos and a sarcastic edge to her internet presence. These clips are not, as they might have seem to be, intentionally wierd internet art.  

In 2012 artists Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond start their series HASENHERZ. Imagine the format the following way: International artists are being shown. Duration: Approximately one hour. In the style of Schönberg's Association for private musical performance (founded in 1918) the concept of wanting to understand the new, is now transferred to the medium of experimental film and lyricism:The movies on display are being repeated and in between screenings they are discussed.The same form of presentation applies to readings. As it was the goal of the format`s model “to provide artists and art lovers with a real and profound knowledge of modern music“, similiar should be achieved for the experimental film/video and lyricism. If the artists whose work is being shown, are not present, they can be cut into the discussion via skype or telephone.

»Dear Ruth and Leo, This is to let you know that I found my HASENHERZ experience to be most productive and stimulating. The idea of viewing, dicussing then re-viewing a filmmaker's film is excellent and that I know of, not done anywhere else. Good luck! I hope the series continues for a long time. Best,
Vivian Ostrovsky«

Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond

++43 699 10984551
Schüttelstr. 21/14  
1020 Vienna
follow on twitter @anderwaldgrond
follow on twitter @rohbauzukunft

The most important thing that has to be attempted is, on the one hand, to maintain the conversation–if nothing else, 
about art–and on the other hand, not to allow such an experiment to end in chatter.
HASENHERZ has understood this–may the exercise succeed!  Franz Schuh
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