Hey everyone,
Missed "This week" post, but we have two events this weekend at Echo Park
Film Center of interest to the list... both are $5 and start at 8pm. Echo
Park Film Center is at 1200 N. Alvarado St in lovely Los Angeles....

*Thursday, August 1 – THE OPEN COLLOQUIUM – 8 PM
*The August edition of EPFC's monthly Open Colloquium will feature a
presentation by visiting artist *Kristin Bedford*, in discussion of her
newest work *Field Notes, Durham Noir.* As always, our cinematic symposium
dares you to share your film with the feisty EPFC audience. Any genre! Any
style! New, old, work-in-progress! First come, first screened; one film per
filmmaker; 10-minute maximum. DVD, VHS, mini-DV, DV-CAM, Super 8, standard
8mm, and 16mm are all welcome in this freewheeling conference of moving
image artists and singer songwriters.
In the 1970s, the rigors of structural film were taken to an unprecedented
extreme by the artists of the London Film-maker's Co-operative. Foremost
among them was *Peter Gidal,* whose severe aesthetic was matched by a
cantankerous polemicism in his theoretical writings. He argued in his
essays that it was politically necessary to resist narrative, and attempted
in his films to foreground the ideological processes of film viewing.
Though this project may not have realized its utopian ambitions, the
questions raised by Gidal et al. about the politics of film form remain
relevant and necessary. Featuring: *Room Film 1973* (Peter Gidal, 1973,
16mm, 54min) and *Shepherd's Bush* (Mike Legget, 1971, 16mm, 15min)
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