Most of the more established festivals still send me confirmation of
reciept as well as formalized rejection emails.

However I do think there may be factor at work, and it has to do with
emerging technologies on the programmer-end of things.
Thanks to contemporary communications technologies and the lowering prices
of high quality digital exhibition equipment, I think there are a lot more
small, DIY festivals emerging around the globe. I, myself, co-run one by
the name of the BASEMENT Media Fest. Ours in particular is free and we do
everything in our free time. Its going on its fourth year, and we've
learned a great deal in that time. Sadly, in the past, we have neglected to
send out rejection emails as well as confirmation that we've received
works. I think this was mostly due to our lack of prior experience and lack
of free time (and occasionally, because filmmakers fail to provide us with
their contact info OR their info is illegible).

Anyway, I think its really easy nowadays to organize a film festival (or at
least easier than it has been) - you can post an open call online and
submissions just flood in. But I do think a downside of this is you have a
lot of programmers entering the field who are maybe unfamiliar with a lot
of the protocol OR who have underestimated the time-commitment necessary to
organizing such an event.

That's my $0.02, at least.


On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Dominic Angerame <
> wrote:

> I have entered my film The Soul of Things into many festivals around the
> world. Some accepted the film for screenings and some have not. However,
> two things seem to be occurring.
> Because of the flourishing digital technologies there are many more
> filmmakers entering their work into the numerous Film Festivals that take
> place. This makes it extremely difficult to have a film chosen to be
> exhibited since the Festivals have not expanded their dates of screenings
> to show more films to try and accommodate the growing numbers. The
> Festivals seem to  keep the same date schedules they already have had for
> many years.
> Another trend that seems to be happening is that Festivals are not
> acknowledging receipt of the entered films to the filmmakers and most do
> not even send out rejection notices if the films are not chosen. I do know
> that many Festivals do send out these notices, however, most of the ones
> that I have entered do not correspond with me about the status of the work
> entered. I receive the final schedule of events and from there I can tell
> the film is not accepted. Seems to be a shoddy way of treating filmmakers
> and their work.
> I am curious if other filmmakers on the list are also experiencing similar
> trends.
> Thanks
> Dominic Angerame
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