Greetings from AS220 

You are receiving this email because, at some point in the past few years, 
you've interacted with us in some way. Perhaps you've taken a class, played a 
show, exhibited at our galleries, attended an event, made a donation, or any 
number of other possibilities. We've been remiss by not including you in our 
weekly email updates but hope to rectify this situation starting now!

This email provides some fun and informative ways to help get you up to speed 
with who we are and what we've been up to recently. However, if you do not wish 
to receive weekly updates from us, we completely understand.

You can unsubscribe right now and never hear from us again using this link. 

Aside from this newsletter, you can also keep up with us at AS220.ORG 
 , and on Facebook 
 and Twitter 


Your friends at AS220


Read our 2012-13 Annual Report online! 

Programmatic and other highlights from our past fiscal year.


Umberto Crenca at TEDxProvidence 2013 


Get the story of how it all started, straight from the source!


AS220 Youth honored at White House

Photo credit: Steven E. Purcell, Photographer, LLC
Anne Kugler - Youth Director, Justin Espinal - Youth member, First Lady 
Michelle Obama (Steven E. Purcell, Photographer, LLC)

AS220 Youth 
  received a 2012 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award 
 , presented by First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House last November 
(2012)! AS220 Youth Director, Anne Kugler, and member Justin Espinal, 16, were 
on hand to receive the award from the First Lady. AS220 Youth was one of fifty 
finalists, chosen from a pool of 350 applicants from around the country, and 
one of only twelve organizations to win! You can watch more coverage of this 
great honor here 
 , and here 


Communal History: The Story of the AS220 Printshop 


Learn about the AS220 Printshop 
 and it's users in this video by Timothy Whitney!


AS220 /// 95 Mathewson Street #204 /// Providence, RI /// 02903 /// 401-831-9327

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