Dear Friends and Supporters of Lawrence Brose,

Very soon the United States Attorney’s office will announce that Lawrence
has agreed to accept and plead guilty to a reduced charge. In exchange it
has offered to move to dismiss the original Indictment against Lawrence.
This letter is to alert you to this development so you will have some of
the facts and context to help understand it.

First, and perhaps most importantly, Lawrence has not, and does not admit
that he ever knowingly downloaded or possessed images of child
pornography. The government’s plea offer, which Lawrence has agreed to
accept, is to a lesser charge. Like all pleas this is a compromise by the
two parties, nothing more and nothing less. Lawrence has fought hard, but
has decided to move on with his life and his work. The government’s offer
allows Lawrence to come out from under the cloud of accusation.  His
artwork does not contain images of sexually exploited children.  It never
did. Most importantly, this plea allows Lawrence to move on with his life.

In the coming weeks Lawrence will be reaching out to you for letters of
support to be submitted to the court by his attorneys, who will present
them in their sentencing memorandum.  Your letters will go a long way in
supporting him by speaking to his character, his importance as an artist,
his contributions to the community and the art world.

The case is not over yet, and your continued support and understanding are
still needed. On behalf of Lawrence and the Defense Fund thank you for all
that you have done up to now—it has been invaluable to our friend and he
is grateful for your support and kindness.

Yours truly,

William C. Altreuter
Altreuter Berlin
Attorneys for The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund


This certainly is a good turn of events in Lawrence’s case and is the
result of strategic negotiations on the part of Lawrence’s legal team.
While the critical changes for Lawrence are to take place at the
sentencing stage which is at least 6 months away, for the first time we
can see where this case is headed.

We still need to remind everyone that freedom from this prosecution has
cost Lawrence dearly, financially and otherwise, and we need to continue
to raise significant funds for Lawrence’s mounting debt. To make tax
deductible donations toward Lawrence’s defense please log on to and donate to the Artist Defense Fund for
Lawrence Brose.

We want to encourage everyone to visit Lawrence’s defense fund website to
catch up on what is new, view the artwork that has been donated for sale
and read the compelling letters of support from notable people who have
voiced their outrage and concern for what is happening to Lawrence.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund Team

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