*Electrocuting an Elephant* (1903). In which Thomas Edison, one of the
first and truly an experimental filmmaker, does just that to the poor
creature  to demonstrate the superiority of his DC electrical current to
his competitor, Nikola Tesla's, AC. Surely one of the stranger and sadder
cases of animals being caught up in inter-human behaviors.

There is also the incredibly strange and apocalyptic bug movie from 1971, *The
Hellstrom Chronicle *(Walon Green), which I can't believe won an academy
award for best documentary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R8UN9zGD04

Oh, and what about Ladislaw Starewicz's *Cameraman's Revenge *(1912)?
Another bug classic.



On 23 April 2014 16:05, sarah browne <sarahjbro...@yahoo.ie> wrote:

> Dear Frameworkers,
> I'm looking for some help in compiling a list of films that feature
> animals or human-animal relationships on film. Rather than wildlife
> documentaries (with some exceptions!) I'm more interested in the animal
> presence as an a kind of distancing tactic that allows for reflection on
> inter-human behaviours (ethics, empathy, violence). Arthouse or
> experimental material more than Babe.
> Any tips very gratefully received!
> Best wishes,
> Sarah Browne
> www.sarahbrowne.info
> www.kennedybrowne.com
> *Hand to Mouth*
> CCA Derry-Londonderry
> until 24 May 2014
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Heath Iverson
PhD Student, Film Studies
University of St Andrews
99 North Street
St. Andrews, KY16 9AD
Scotland, UK
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