Hello folks,

The last night of the domesticity micro-festival here at The Picture Show ends 
with a film by Laura Bouza and a live narration-performance by photographer 
Dick Blau and writer Jane Gallop. Please join us!

7:30pm / 226 Green Street, Brooklyn NY

Eight Women
Laura Bouza / 2009 / USA / 29 min

Eight dancers, now in their eighties, continue to dance. Beginning as suburban 
housewives in 1950's Connecticut, each were swayed to join a community dance 
ensemble later to be led by Charles Weidman and other prominent modern dancers 
of the time. Some were professional level dancers, others were just curious. 
Regardless of ability, regardless of intent, this evolving group of women 
created an engaging ensemble that extended past the stage, into their lives. A 
rendering of the intersections of motherhood, marriage, and movement, the film 
reflects on the delicate balance of their lives as homemakers and dancers.

"Thicker Than Water: My Family in Photographs (1968-2014)”
Dick Blau and Jane Gallop / Live performance approx. 45 min
Dick Blau has been making photographs of the people he lives with for almost 
fifty years; cultural theorist Jane Gallop has been living with him – and his 
camera – for thirty five years. In the course of their collaboration in art and 
life, they have produced two children, a number of shows, and a book, Living 
With his Camera (Duke University Press, 2003.) Their work attempts to portray 
the realities of family life beyond the pieties of conventional 
representations. In their live-performance at The Picture Show, Blau and Gallop 
will page through a series of photographs and narrate the latest iteration of 
this project, reflecting on the events portrayed and the issues explored in the 
course of this long-term study of domestic relations. 
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