Hi Roger,

Do you still have your LTR? I'd stick with that before converting a Bolex,
but maybe you're looking
for something more portable?

I have seen a few Ikonoskop cameras on eBay selling for much less than
their new price. You might consider this option... very portable!

The Bolex is great for many things, but I've never considered it very
steady, and the gate seems
to attract more dust and debris than most other cameras I've used.

If you're LTR is gone, then consider, as Jeff said, getting a used Aaton
XTR or XTRprod, or converting
an Eclair NPR to super 16. Les Bosher does this for very reasonable prices,
and the Eclair will be steadier than the Bolex. Les will re-center the C
mount if you like and you can use some 10mm Switars (later pre-set models)
for shooting super 16mm, or purchase some B mount Zeiss primes (I might be
selling mine soon).


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Beebe, Roger W. <beebe...@osu.edu> wrote:

> Back to celluloid now after my brief foray into the digital world.  Does
> anyone have recommendations for where to get a Bolex converted to super 16?
>  Also, I’ve got both an SBM and a REX 4—is there any reason to convert one
> rather than the other?  Also (finally) how do I know (in advance) if my
> lenses will cover super 16?
> Thanks, Frameworkers, for always knowing more than I seem to…
> Roger
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