Hi Nicky,

That's not how I receive it.
It's quite readable in Eudora. (sample below)
What e-mail software are you using?


Events are sorted by CITY within each DATE.


Los Angeles, California: Echo Park Film Center
8 pm, 1200 N. Alvarado St.

  The New Works Salons series is a casual forum for the presentation and
  discussion of new works in film and video, with local and visiting
  artists in-person to introduce their work. Nora Sweeney will show her
  new film Sweet Oranges (2014, 16mm, 18.5 minutes): ï¿1Ž2Heading west from
  my house, I explore the back roads off of California State Route 126,
  finding small, historic towns, farms, and railway tracks nestled between
  mountains and orchards - a landscape that evokes a dream of
  Californiaï¿1Ž2s past. Along the way, I meet Jaime, Blanca, and Hugo, a
  group of orange pickers from Michoacan, Mexico, who share with me their
  songs, dreams, aspirations, and thoughts about work.ï¿1Ž2 Ursula Brookbank
  will show Crystallography and the She World Archive: The principals of
  X-ray Crystallography used by biochemist Dorothy Hodgkin to study
  molecular structures applied to film projection. Ms. Hodgkin was awarded
  the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1964 for confirming the molecular
  structure of insulin using X-ray Crystallography where a crystal is
  gradually rotated while being bombarded with X-rays producing refraction
  patterns and molecular data for study. For this salon, recently acquired
  16mm film from the SHE WORLD ARCHIVE similarly becomes a light beam
  projected through gradually rotating crystals. Pablo Marï¿1Ž2n, in town
  from Buenos Aires, will show his brand new Angelus novus, and we'll have
  a selection of new items by Mark Toscano.

At 8:00 -0400 18/08/14, nicky.ham...@talktalk.net wrote:
This listing arrives as a massive block of text: single spaced lines with around thirty words per line, rendering it so difficult to read that I sometimes can't be bothered. Any chance of returning to something like the previous format? BLONDE COBRA 1959-63, 35 min, 16-to-35mm blow-up, b&w/color. With Jack Smith. Preserved by Anthology, with the generous support of The Film Foundation. "BLONDE COBRA is an erratic narrative no, not really a narrative, it's only stretched out in time for convenience of delivery. It's a look in on an exploding life, on a man of imagination suffering pre-fashionable Lower East Side deprivation and consumed with American 1950s, 40s, 30s disgust. Silly, self-pitying, guilt-strictured and yet triumphing on one level over the situation with style - enticing us into an absurd moral posture the better to dismiss us with a regal 'screw off.'" K.J. Total running time: ca. 85 min. 8/24 New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives <http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/>http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/ 8:00 pm, 32 2nd Avenue ESSENTIAL CINEMA: JEROME HILL PROGRAM These 35mm prints are the result of a recent preservation project undertaken by the Museum of Modern Art. DEATH IN THE FORENOON (1934/66, 2 minutes, 35mm, color) CANARIES (1969, 4 minutes, 35mm, color) & FILM PORTRAIT 1971, 81 minutes, 35mm, color. A pioneering work in autobiographical cinema; masterfully combines actual and staged footage and painting over images. Filmmaker, painter, and composer Jerome Hill was descended from the famous railroad-building family and lived on the same street with F. Scott Fitzgerald. Here he re-creates wonderfully with old family footage the period and milieu of the American upper class at the beginning of this century. Total running time: ca. 90 minutes. Enter your event announcements by going to the Flicker Weekly Listing Form at <http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/thisweek.pl>http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/thisweek.pl The weekly listing is also available online at Flicker: <http://www.hi-beam.net>http://www.hi-beam.net _______________________________________________ FrameWorks mailing list <mailto:FrameWorks@jonasmekasfilms.com>FrameWorks@jonasmekasfilms.com <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/listinfo/frameworks>https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/listinfo/frameworks

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