Dear frameworks friends,

This September, Artists' Television Access celebrates its 30th birthday! We
have a great lineup of celebratory events throughout the month of
September, which we hope you'll be able to attend if you're in the area
or visiting anytime next month.

However, to keep current in the changing landscape of San Francisco and
best support our artists, we need a new projector and some improvements.

We're thrilled to have been awarded a coveted challenge grant from the San
Francisco’s Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund (VACF) to help us cover the
costs (thank you, Citizens of San Francisco!). There’s a hurdle: we have to
raise matching funds first in order to get the VACF funds.

And so.... we're launching an Indiegogo campaign. Our first one ever! If we
can reach our goal of $15,000 we'll be a lot closer to long term
sustainability in terms of facilities and technology.

If you're interested in donating, the link is here:

And even more importantly, please help us spread the word? It would be so
appreciated if you'd help publicize the campaign via email, facebook,
twitter, etc.

Please help support your local and non-local cinemas!
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