Frameworkers!  I wanted to let you know about a few new works that you’ll
be able to check out starting this Saturday in a new orientation gallery
opening up at [my place of employment:] The Huntington Library, Art
Collections, and Botanical Gardens just outside Los Angeles.  We
commissioned three site-specific silent works by L.A.-area artists
Charlotte Pryce, Rick Bahto, and Steve Roden, and those will be projected
large (nearly floor to ceiling) onto the walls of the entryway.  We also
brought in local artist Cosmo Segurson to head up a team to make a really
cool history-of-the-place video that mixes animation, archival materials,
and other good stuff.  In an adjacent space is a sound installation by
Texas-based artist Justin Boyd.  A feast for the senses!  Pretty new
direction for the institution—and maybe a fun one for those of us into
alternative/experimental moving image and such.  It’s a permanent
installation (or as permanent as museum things ever are), so no rush, but I
do hope you can check it out if you’re in the area!


kate lain
FrameWorks mailing list

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