When looking to re-power any Beaulieu, remember the original batterie were made 
from no-obsolete NiCad cells. If you're going to the expense and effort of 
re-celling a battery, you sure don't want to wind up with NiCads -- low 
capacity and the dreaded memory effect. At a minimum, you'd want NiMH cells, 
preferably the low-discharge type used in Eneloop and other rechargeable brands 
(I'm not sure if these are available in the sizes used in the original 
batteries). With any NiMH celled battery, using the original Beaulieu charger 
may be dicey, as the rspecs for NiMH charging are slightly different. No loss, 
as the little wall-wart chargers are primitive and slow, and a good charger for 
NiMH cells isn't that expensive and a great benefit to battery readiness and 

I don't know about the voltage(s) of the Super 8 batteries, or whether they 
even can be repacked with standard size cells. The fatter R16 batteries can be 
re-done with AA cells, and the smaller standard ones with AAA cells. Typically, 
you wouldn't use the regular kind sold for flashlights cameras and such, but 
ones made for building packs, which come with solder tabs attached. (Soldering 
leads onto the bare ends of a standard rechargeable battery is not recommended 
for amateurs.) As it happens, R16 batteries are 7.2V, which is the same as the 
battery packs used in many RC toys, so you can pick up a charger at a hobby 
shop -- it's easy enough to take the plug end off the original Beaulieu charger 
and wire it to the new one, or get a compatible plug at an electronic shop (3 
pin DIN for the R16) and preserve the original charger for whatever.

As Chuck notes, if you can live with a wire running from the camera to your 
pocket, making-up an external battery pack is the least expensive and most 
flexible way to go. It's an easy DIY project (you should be able to snooker a 
friend if you find soldering too intimidating yourself). Not to take business 
away from Jean-Louis or Phil, but those guys' time and expertise are waay above 
the necessary skill level -- it's like hiring a Indy car mechanic to change 
your oil...

On Apr 22, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Jean-Louis Seguin wrote:

> A new battery is no less than $200 USD. Plus you might Need a new charger.

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