Magic Lantern and UnionDocs Presents


Curated by Seth Watter

Friday, June 19th, 2015, 7:30pm @ UnionDocs <>
322 Union Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Admission $9

*It is known that crowd scenes in the cinema produce a rhythmic, poetic,
photogenic effect when there is a real, actively thinking crowd involved.
The reason is that the cinema can pick this cadence up better than the
human eye and by other means; it can record this fundamental rhythm and its
harmonics.—Jean Epstein*

>From the earliest Lumière actualities to the latest disaster film, cinema
has given apt expression to masses and what they seemingly do best:
massing. This program presents a survey of crowds, masses, and swarms in
their many and varied manifestations: from the elemental to the complex,
and from the archaic to the contemporary. Though often hidden beneath a
veneer of solidity, masses and swarms are the very stuff of life. Gathering
and dispersing, contracting and expanding, are the formal figures most
proper to them. They exist at the level of particles and parades,
demonstrations and desktop icons, spermatozoa and shopping mallers. Even
the grain of film, the noise of video, the pixilation of a buffering
stream—they, too, with their swirling and spreading, justly merit the name
of “crowd.” Wherever division, multiplicity, and movement co-exist, masses
and swarms are sure to follow: on the street, in the density of a throng;
in the depths of the body, cell against cell.

*Featuring 16mm and video works by* Bray Animation Studios, Monica Duncan,
Leonard M. Henny, JODI, Karl Kels, Rick Liss, Len Lye, Marie Menken, Chris
Oakley, Alice Anne Parker, Hans Richter.

Total running time: approx. 90 min.

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