Dear Frameworkers,

The subject line is a slight exaggeration, meant to get your attention.
I've cut all direct ties with the place, but from what hear it isn't far
from the truth. Only two of the five elected board members remain. The
place has been spectacularly mismanaged by Peter Kingsbury. While I was
still around, Peter repeatedly assured me that new elections were just
around the corner. Elections will soon be two years overdue. Their website
states that "Millennium has suspended public access hours," but to my
knowledge none of its members or stakeholders have yet been consulted. It's
time to get together and decide how to wind this thing down. Democratically
and transparently. Before Peter makes off with the with whatever funds are


Sasha Janerus

P.S. Attached is MFW's FY2015--i.e. through June 2015--operating budget,
drafted--and apoplectically defended--on September 16, 2014 by PK, at my
insistence. There are some interesting figures here: $39,955 in workshop
fees! Eager to learn how that worked out...

Attachment: MFW Budget FY2015 (9.16.14).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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