''We still need to remind everyone that Lawrence agreed to a plea deal to
bring this unfair situation to an end.''
Ah, AmeriKKKa....

2015-08-10 21:51 GMT-04:00 defensefund <defensef...@lawrencebrose.com>:

> Dear Friends and Supporters of Lawrence Brose,
> More good press for Lawrence.
> The success of Lawrence’s work was not lost on Anthony Chase in his review
> of Lawrence’s exhibition entitled “Indicted” at BT&C Gallery in Buffalo,
> published recently in ArtVoice.
> Mr. Chase is Assistant Dean of Arts and Humanities at SUNY Buffalo State
> College, a friend and supporter.
> As you can read in the attached review, he understands the scope of
> Lawrence’s work and the relevance of this work in light of Lawrence’s legal
> challenges over the past six years.  Please see the attached pdf.
> Also, we are pleased to provide you with a link to view all the works in
> the “Indicted” exhibit.  Revisiting these images is a treat for those who
> did attend the gallery, but for those who were unable to come to Buffalo,
> this link will provide you with all of the images in the show:
> http://www.btandcgallery.com/#!indicted-private-view/clqp.
> The Defense Fund Team is pleased to be sending you more good news as
> Lawrence returns to his life with some degree of normalcy, and the
> continued success with his artwork.
> Sincerely,
> The Defense Fund Team
> **********************************************************************************
> We still need to remind everyone that Lawrence agreed to a plea deal to
> bring this unfair situation to an end.  Probation still limits his
> movements and he is subject to very close observation.  Freedom from this
> prosecution has cost Lawrence dearly, financially and otherwise, and we
> need to continue to raise significant funds for his debt. To make tax
> deductible donations to Lawrence’s defense please log on to
> http://ncrj.org/lawrence-brose/ and donate to the Artist Fund for
> Lawrence Brose.
> We encourage everyone to visit the defense fund website to catch up on
> what is new, view the artwork that has been donated for sale and read the
> compelling letters of support from notable people who have voiced their
> outrage and concern for what is happening to Lawrence.
> www.lawrencebroselegaldefensefund.com
> Thank you for your continued support.  Please share this with your own
> network.
> The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund Team
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