Hi Amanda!  Good luck in Rochester tonight!

(I remember when you posted asking for films that included car crashes.)


On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Amanda Christie <
ama...@amandadawnchristie.ca> wrote:

> I for one appreciated the poetic touch...
> I believe in the flowers that germinate and bloom from dark places.
> There is never just one.
> Dark soil is fertile ground.
> The crocus never blooms unless it has been frozen in the winter and kept
> in the dark underground and hidden from light...
> crocuses bloom every spring...
> it's not the same flowers, but it is the same soil.
> I believe in the flowers that geminate and bloom from dark places.
> On 2015-10-02, at 9:16 PM, David Baker wrote:
> Your the boss Elizabeth.
> No poetry intended just the flawed way I write.
> Thanks for you help,
> lesson learned.
> One thing though, please be certain I need no good will from you
> nor was I trying to garner any from anyone else.
> I just was trying to find a form that fit.
> You win some you lose some.
> DB
> On Oct 2, 2015, at 7:42 PM, Elizabeth McMahon wrote:
> You had already said more than plenty.
> Your cryptic "poem" is such a distraction for a general listserv. Send
> stuff like this to the intended party and leave the public out of it. It is
> just embarrassing, and garners you no good will.
> Elizabeth McMahon
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 7:26 PM, David Baker <dbak...@hvc.rr.com> wrote:
>> Jay,
>> Rare flowers that germinated in the dark
>> in that moldy old  place
>> will not come again.
>> We will never be as free to play with all the potentialities
>> of projected light as we were there then.
>> Still it must go on.
>> "Darkness  cannot drive out darkness,
>> only light can do that."
>> -Martin Luther KIng Jr.
>> I will say no more on the subject.
>> David
>> On Oct 2, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Jay Hudson wrote:
>> To Sasha,
>> Your words are inappropriate, offensive, and abusive.  I will not
>> tolerate it, and I demand that it stop.  If this type of conduct is against
>> framework's terms of use, I ask Pip to remove Sasha from the list if this
>> continues.  I have moved on and hold animosity towards no one.  There was
>> no justification to bring me into it.
>> To David,
>> I think it is better to lower the tone on this because I think you are
>> speaking from the heart and with good intentions.  It is better if you
>> consider that the situation with the Millennium followed a very common and
>> recognizable patterns in non-profits.  I made my decisions based on
>> extensive research and speaking with non-profit experts, attorneys, and
>> other professionals.  Every person that I spoke with was extremely direct
>> and unambiguous in saying that there was a serious problem that had to be
>> addressed immediately.  A few even said that there was no point in trying
>> to correct it.  I did what I thought was best and responsible.
>> Those of use working at MFW inherited a situation where the organization
>> was more than $40K in debt with the landlord. Howard basically dropped out
>> of sight when he got sick and I had to step in to put out fires with the
>> landlord.   When the archive thing was going on, MFW was trying to
>> negotiate a new lease.  We were being served with papers.  Almost
>> everything in the way that MFW functioned was so dependent on one
>> individual, that there were almost no established patterns to run things.
>> Naturally when he was not doing so, things fall apart.  MFW was failing
>> what is called the risk assessment test, where an organization can not
>> function without a certain individual.  This is unhealthy to an
>> organization, plus it makes it much more difficult to get funding.
>> I prefer that this be the last of this thread of this communication.
>> What happened, happened.  These issues have no pertinence to today's
>> events.  There is no sense in unproductively dwelling on events that are
>> unresolvable.  No one can be completely objective in this.
>> It is much better to think about the current MFW for what it is.  Times
>> and conditions have changed.  It will not be the old MFW, but I do think
>> that it has an important role to play.  Additionally, I wish people
>> wouldn't think so much about the MILLENNIUM, but more about what their own
>> needs are as filmmakers and what gaps exist in today's current situation
>> that MFW can fill.  I am optimistic about the current MFW and have nothing
>> but full support and appreciation for those who are working hard or
>> providing support.  I would hope that you and others who have negative
>> opinions would reconsider, be open minded, and be involved.  If not, that's
>> ok too, but I do not want to see every posting regarding MFW to be met with
>> this kind of communication.
>> Jay
>> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 10:02 PM, David Baker <dbak...@hvc.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Jay,
>>> Because I, along with Margot Niederland  and Howard helped Lili White
>>> to organize and move the vast archives to a safe warehouse
>>> I know firsthand how perilous that moment was.
>>> There was a porousness and scariness at Millennium then which I hope
>>> never to encounter again.
>>> (Romero 1968 black and white version).
>>> We had to work with the utmost speed and efficiency for fear
>>> all would be lost in one scenario or another.
>>> Again I will say it is my deeply considered opinion that had Lili not
>>> initiated action
>>> at the moment she did the fate of the archives would have been very
>>> different.
>>> There was no question amongst those working to preserve this material
>>> of the stakes involved. We were simply not willing to leave it in your
>>> hands.
>>> Your relentless assassination of Howard's character was common knowledge.
>>> Because I spent time with Howard until his last month
>>> I know the uncommon grace with which he worked with everyone connected
>>> to the Millennium
>>> after he was deposed
>>> even when shut out of important channels of communication.
>>> I know he was absolutely devoted to keeping the Millennium going.
>>> I also know that he regarded you as I do as someone
>>> who consistently hits below the belt.
>>> Criticism I have for the current organization pales
>>> before that which I reserve for you.
>>> You will live in infamy in the annals of the Millennium Film Workshop.
>>> You hit Howard when he was down (health crisis / in the hospital).
>>> You took the Millennium from a righteous threadbare struggling cultural
>>> organization
>>> to an obscenely chaotic mess that accomplished nothing during your
>>> regime but the humiliation of Howard
>>> and the dissolution and loss of the space on Fourth Street.
>>> It was you the full board finally had no choice but to remove (in
>>> ignomy).
>>> It pains me to be so blunt.
>>> You must understand that morally I feel the need to push past
>>> the complicated smoke screen of words you are so adept at conjuring
>>> and testify as truthfully as I can to what I witnessed.
>>> David
>>> On Oct 1, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Jay Hudson wrote:
>>> According to New York State law, in a membership nonprofit, the board
>>> has the right to add or remove board members at will, unless there is
>>> anything in the bylaws or the corporate charter that states otherwise.
>>> Even in that case, if there is a justifiable reason, like proven
>>> embezzlement, or something like that, the board probably could get rid of
>>> the offending board member.  There is nothing wrong in the appointment of
>>> board members, with members approval or not.
>>> According to MFW bylaws, the president can call for an election at any
>>> time for a special purpose at their discretion.  Stephanie Wuertz could
>>> have made that decision at time.  I am not criticizing her because of
>>> Millennium's extenuating circumstances.  I also don't think that it is fair
>>> nor appropriate to bag on George, Lili, or the rest of the current board
>>> either.
>>> There has been a lot of stuff going on, but as far as I know, the board
>>> is working on getting the bylaws together, etc., so that when the time
>>> comes, the meeting will be able to go on smoothly.  I have trust in the
>>> current board, and would prefer that they can have the space to do their
>>> job.  If one has concerns, it is much better that they contact board
>>> members personally, rather than through public forums.
>>> David Baker's criticisms about the movement to reform MFW was predicated
>>> on "negating howard" and that there was no interest in the archive and
>>> completely false and oversimplified.  MFW had been in decline for many
>>> years.  The problems were not personal but structural.  The NYSCA grant
>>> went from $30,000 to $12,000, to $8,000.  There were considerable debts to
>>> the landlord, who were about to pull the plug.  NEA stopped funding MFW.
>>> When I spoke to the funders, they both said that MFW was suffering from
>>> severe and obvious "founder's syndrome," where one individual dominates the
>>> organization, and can not distinguish between their own affairs and the
>>> affairs of the organization.  MFW was in danger of imminent collapse.  If
>>> nobody had stepped in the following would have happened:  the landlord
>>> would have pulled the plug, the archive would have been hastily sold, the
>>> landlord would get that money, the equipment would have gathered by
>>> vultures, etc. It was in the best interest of all parties that something
>>> was done.
>>> Regarding the finances, all of that information should be available.  As
>>> for myself, the "undocumented income", that Sasha describes totals $22K,
>>> which includes 3K of debts from my works as a monitor, or 19K, basically
>>> 10K a year.  I can document that I worked an average of 15, 16 hour days
>>> for months on end, including thirty six hours clearing stuff from the
>>> theater and putting it in a dumpster.  I worked my ass off well past the
>>> point of exhaustion and payed and significant personal price for it.  If
>>> anyone has a problem with that, tough shit.  I have no complaints about it,
>>> nor any animosity towards anyone, but I am not going to take shit for it
>>> either.
>>> I have been away from MFW for two years and have moved on.  As tough as
>>> it was, it was a great experience for me.  I was thankful to have the
>>> opportunity.  I also am supportive of the current board.  I think that
>>> people should not think about how MFW was or how MFW should be, but how MFW
>>> is, what MFW can do and what they themselves can do to contribute.  If
>>> people want to be stuck on negative shit from the past, that is their
>>> problem, not mine.  If people don't like the "now" MFW, they don't have to
>>> participate.
>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Francisco Torres <fjtorre...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I would like to bring something up may seem harsh to most people on
>>>> this discussion- Why not close the place for good already? After all these
>>>> years it seems like the only sensible thing to do. As of ''As if it
>>>> was our last day'' it seems that day is long past for the MFW. Maybe it was
>>>> the day they closed shop at 4th street. Only the journal will remain as
>>>> testimony of its greatness. And our memories.
>>>> 2015-09-30 12:26 GMT-04:00 David Baker <dbak...@hvc.rr.com>:
>>>>> Dear Sasha,
>>>>> For all those who enter the orbit of this strange institution
>>>>> there are endless irreconcilable ironies to untangle.
>>>>> There is considerable mystery in how Howard Guttenplan was able to
>>>>> preside despotically for forty years
>>>>> without adherence to any of the precepts set forth in the bylaws,
>>>>> simultaneously acting single handedly as steward to a cultural milieu
>>>>> of such importance
>>>>> that MoMA would proffer eighty five thousand dollars
>>>>> (a number I believe was low for the staggering trove therein)
>>>>> to obtain the archives.
>>>>> Lili White as much as she may vex
>>>>> (I have no appreciation for gender biased curation whatever the
>>>>> rationale)
>>>>> decisively stepped up to lead a tiny group of people in order to
>>>>> preserve the
>>>>> Millennium Film Workshop Archives at a moment of almost unimaginable
>>>>> disorder and chaos.
>>>>> Were she not to have acted with such forceful authority this treasure
>>>>> could easily have
>>>>> been made to disappear by an ensuing political regime determined to
>>>>> negate Howard's
>>>>> achievement.
>>>>> As ironies go, one of the greatest for me to negotiate
>>>>> has been observing my mentor Ken Jacobs's recent involvement with the
>>>>> Millennium,
>>>>> serving as  great Oz behind
>>>>> an obfuscating curtain in successive post-Howard "democratic"
>>>>> political regimes
>>>>> each of which eschewed and expunged the monthly open screenings
>>>>> that were an entry portal of the most democratic kind.
>>>>> The irony being that it was precisely the open screening format
>>>>> that gave Ken his start as a maker.
>>>>> Things blossom in that sort of environment that cannot occur elsewhere.
>>>>> One Friday on Fourth Street I remember the rare paperback book
>>>>> specialist and great single frame advance
>>>>> practitioner Chris Eckhoff a.k.a. Mr. E speaking about the projection
>>>>> screen, he asked
>>>>> "What if residue from all the films that have ever been projected on
>>>>> that screen
>>>>> are still there in some way?".
>>>>> Thereafter I treated that particular projection surface
>>>>> as a secret sacred palimpsest.
>>>>> When Millennium collapsed and the screen came down,
>>>>> the ghosts were gone.
>>>>> The place was useless to us.
>>>>> Cronyism and concomitant kickbacks do not make a cultural milieu of
>>>>> consequence.
>>>>> Singular courage and passion of the intensity you demonstrate does!
>>>>> As artists it is our mandate to be fearless, to find a way, to make it
>>>>> happen.
>>>>> As if it was our last day.
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:16 AM, Sasha Janerus wrote:
>>>>> Thank you Dr. Walley. Thank you David.
>>>>> It is worth noting that MFW has kept this document off their website.
>>>>> Strictly speaking you're right about the "President" thing, which I'd
>>>>> forgotten about--but it's really a technicality, as the title doesn't 
>>>>> bring
>>>>> any special powers. George was not elected to this or any other position,
>>>>> but was . As I recall it, after Howard stepped down, a member-consensus
>>>>> decision was made to keep the director off the board, and to have the ED 
>>>>> be
>>>>> appointed by the board. All of which makes good sense, especially given
>>>>> everything that had transpired during the latter phase of the Gutenplan
>>>>> period, though this emergency measure should have been ratified by a 
>>>>> timely
>>>>> revision of the bylaws. So "President" here is just an honorific--same
>>>>> term, different meaning--so that the board looks the way boards are
>>>>> supposed to look.
>>>>> If only the board had acted the way a board's supposed to act.
>>>>> One other quibble, David: the verb: "to Gerrymander" implies that
>>>>> elections are in fact taking place. The *mot juste* would have been
>>>>> "to steal."
>>>>> ***
>>>>> George,
>>>>> I didn't receive your email as you didn't send one to me. Apparently
>>>>> the fact that I don't agree with your failure to follow MFW's bylaws means
>>>>> that I'm not to be counted a "Friend" of Millennium--or is it simply a
>>>>> friend of yours? My partner, Stephanie Wuertz--who previously occupied 
>>>>> your
>>>>> office--did receive a copy but deleted it, wanting nothing to do with MFW
>>>>> ever again. Another life you've touched. The email is, of course, also
>>>>> posted on an orphan page on your site. How could I have missed that?
>>>>> Your texts are, needless to say, mendacious in the extreme. Millennium
>>>>> didn't pack up shop because the MoMA money was late. Millennium sank
>>>>> because you and PK were incapable of providing financial information to go
>>>>> with the grant narratives I wrote for you. When you did finally massage 
>>>>> the
>>>>> books into order, I'm pretty sure it involved making some shit up, in
>>>>> particular Jay Hudson's undocumented ATM withdrawals.
>>>>> Your claim to transparency is belied by the fact that nobody knows
>>>>> what's going on at MFW and next to nobody cares, as well as by a prior
>>>>> email from you instructing me 1) not to talk about MFW in public and 2) 
>>>>> not
>>>>> to share "confidential financial and other information without
>>>>> authorization," namely PK's insane budget for FY2014. I should note that 
>>>>> PK
>>>>> had himself informed me that all MFW documents--minutes, books, etc.--were
>>>>> available to anyone who wanted to see them. And why not?: it belongs to 
>>>>> its
>>>>> members and to the community, and not to you.
>>>>> If you'd like to have a discussion about Millennium's future, I'd
>>>>> encourage you to do so in full view of your constituency, which I'm sure
>>>>> you'll agree extends beyond present membership and self-selected 
>>>>> "friends".
>>>>> Here are some places to begin:
>>>>> Could you put text of MFW's present bylaws on your website--preferably
>>>>> not on an orphaned page.
>>>>> How many active members does MFW presently have? How many of them do
>>>>> you consider elligible to vote? How many lapsed members would you consider
>>>>> eligible to vote upon renewal? According to what criteria?
>>>>> How much cash does MFW have on hand?
>>>>> What are its month-to-month expenses?
>>>>> What were its FY2014 net income and expenditures, exclusive of the
>>>>> MoMA money?
>>>>> How much income did MFW receive from workshops and equipment rentals
>>>>> FY14? How much profit on the same?
>>>>> Has the board passed any resolutions to compensate Peter Kingsbury? If
>>>>> so, for how much?
>>>>> Finally, there is the question of "slander." I was careful to frame
>>>>> certain statements speculatively, and in your last email to me you 
>>>>> enjoined
>>>>> me to "desist from broadcasting via Frameworks opinions and
>>>>> speculation that are not based on facts." The present opacity of MFW
>>>>> makes a necessity of speculation. I do, however, know these people. Lili,
>>>>> for instance, attempted to program herself in a Millennium show at the New
>>>>> School, with a $200 honorarium for a single film. Steph and I stepped in,
>>>>> and those with conflicts of interest were replaced by Jen Reeves and Peter
>>>>> Hutton, among others. Lili promptly one-upped herself by having her 
>>>>> husband
>>>>> build Millennium a website. MFW was stuck with unauthorized, recurring,
>>>>> exorbitant paypal payments. The website Mark built was so shitty it had to
>>>>> be replaced by the current shitty site.
>>>>> MFW has furnished me with many more interesting anecdotes. And I
>>>>> should note I have been a model of restraint insofar as I have not
>>>>> contacted or the NY arts press, regulatory bodies, or your prospective
>>>>> funders. That stance is subject to revision.
>>>>> Yours in cinema
>>>>> Sasha Janerus
>>>>> PS I have a sneaking suspicion certain phrases in the trash you've
>>>>> been sending out as "Outreach Coordinator" were derived, consciously or
>>>>> not, from the grants and other fluff I wrote. It's the sort of vague,
>>>>> pseudo-descriptive language that is meant to sound inspiring when the
>>>>> situation is anything but.
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:08 PM, David Baker <dbak...@hvc.rr.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Mr. Spencer,
>>>>>> Your skill as an Outreach Coordinator is certainly evident.
>>>>>> I mean no disrespect in asking who designated you President of
>>>>>> Millennium Film Workshop?
>>>>>> As I read the bylaws (with which Howard Guttenplan was wrested
>>>>>> from his long time role as Executive Director), it stipulates in
>>>>>> Article I  #2,
>>>>>> the President is to be voted on by the membership.
>>>>>> I have no recollection of this election occurring in regards to you
>>>>>> holding this office.
>>>>>> Is it possible I missed this important event?
>>>>>> Perhaps I am in some way mistaken.
>>>>>> It is my understanding that the original bylaws are applicable
>>>>>> until the membership chooses to ratify a new set of bylaws.
>>>>>> Is this not the case?
>>>>>> Attached are the original bylaws as they were sent to me by Jay
>>>>>> Hudson on 9/21/11.
>>>>>> I do not think Sasha Janerus is alone in the perception that this
>>>>>> venerable institution has been gerrymandered by a coterie of insiders
>>>>>> bent on personal
>>>>>> enrichment of one sort or another.
>>>>>> This may in part explain the precipitous decline in Millennium's
>>>>>> membership from last year's 89 to the current 40 active members
>>>>>> (as I count them on this recent list,
>>>>>> http://millenniumfilm.org/memberlist/ )
>>>>>> I would very much appreciate a response from you here in this forum.
>>>>>> Herein I also appreciate Jonathan Walley's caring constructive words
>>>>>> as they pertain to this matter.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> David Baker
>>>>>> On Sep 27, 2015, at 8:55 PM, George Spencer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, fellow experimental film enthusiasts-
>>>>>> The great institution of Millennium Film Workshop, which over 49
>>>>>> years has done much to support the development of artists cinema, has 
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> under financial threat since 2011.  Our governing board, executive
>>>>>> director, and volunteer staff have struggled in extremely difficult
>>>>>> circumstances not only to maintain our workshops, screenings, film 
>>>>>> journal,
>>>>>> and equipment access programs, but to restructure our governance and
>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>> THESE are the questions some of you are asking on FRAMEWORKS, and
>>>>>> here is MFW's reply:
>>>>>> *- Is there any foundation to the original **allegations** posted on
>>>>>> 7/10/15?*
>>>>>> NO.  Millennium’s finance and operations are transparent, with best
>>>>>> practices internal controls. Its board wholly supports and appreciates 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> work of its Executive Director, Peter Kingsbury, who will step down on 
>>>>>> October
>>>>>> 31. Accusations against a public service non-profit such as
>>>>>> Millennium are a disservice to the experimental cinema community;  and 
>>>>>> slander
>>>>>> against individuals is morally repugnant and a violation of the 
>>>>>> Frameworks
>>>>>> terms of service.
>>>>>> *- Is there a more objective account of what’s gone on at Millennium
>>>>>> that we might be able to read and discuss?*
>>>>>> A “status update” letter emailed by the board to our Members and
>>>>>> Friends on 7/23/15 provides some perspective on recent developments.  It
>>>>>> can be found at: millenniumfilm.org/boardupdate
>>>>>> *- Is there anything we could do to improve things? To intervene? *
>>>>>> 1. Become a member or supporting member via our web-site:
>>>>>> millenniumfilm.org/membershipandsupport/
>>>>>> 2. Join our email list at millenniumfilm.org to get news and program
>>>>>> announcements.
>>>>>> 3. Come to our screenings, currently being held at Spectacle Theater
>>>>>> in Williamsburg Brooklyn.  See the schedule at:
>>>>>> spectacletheater.com/millenium-film-workshop-at-spectacle/
>>>>>> 4. Subscribe to the Millennium Film Journal at mfj-online.org
>>>>>> <http://www.mfj-online.org/>
>>>>>> 5. Attend our Members & Friends Informational Meeting on Wednesday
>>>>>> 10/7 at 7:00 pm at Brooklyn Fireproof (119 Ingraham Street,
>>>>>> Brooklyn, NY 11237 -two blocks from Morgan Ave stop on the “L” subway).
>>>>>> Learn about our organizational restructuring and plans for the future.
>>>>>> Contribute ideas and volunteer some time.
>>>>>> 6. Finally, and most importantly, “Take a Turn for Millennium”.  Make
>>>>>> a short term volunteer commitment (see
>>>>>> <http://www.millenniumfilm.org/volunteer>millennium
>>>>>> <http://millenniumfilm.org/takeaturn>film.org/volunteer).
>>>>>> Millennium’s restructuring and transformation over the last few years has
>>>>>> been difficult and frustrating work by a very small number of filmmakers
>>>>>> who believe in its promise and potential.  We have made significant
>>>>>> progress toward “the new Millennium”.  But to get there *we urgently
>>>>>> need volunteers *to perform simple but necessary tasks in the next
>>>>>> few months to sustain our screenings, workshops, film journal, and
>>>>>> equipment access programs.
>>>>>> *- What’s happening right now?*
>>>>>> We are planning workshops, programs, and fundraising in celebration
>>>>>> of Millennium50, our fiftieth year.  We are searching for a new Executive
>>>>>> Director.  We are working with our lawyers to finish our new Bylaws, 
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> will improve Millennium’s governance and support, and enhance member
>>>>>> participation.  After their approval by members, we will hold elections 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> our new expanded governing board.  In preparation for elections, we are
>>>>>> defining the diverse knowledge, skills, and experience we will need on 
>>>>>> our
>>>>>> new board, and our expectations for candidates.  We will ask members and
>>>>>> friends for candidate recommendations, and ask people to serve.  Finally,
>>>>>> we are asking people to volunteer, to “Take a Turn for Millennium” (see
>>>>>> <http://www.millenniumfilm.org/volunteer>millenniumfilm.org/
>>>>>> <http://millenniumfilm.org/takeaturn>volunteer).
>>>>>> This email list serves parties interested in the cinema art.  Please
>>>>>> join, volunteer, or otherwise show your support for Millennium, an
>>>>>> organization that has effectively supported that art for nearly a half
>>>>>> century.  Encourage others to become involved.  You will be revitalized 
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> personal interchange with others of like mind, and your own cinema
>>>>>> practice will be supported by becoming part of our community.  MFW
>>>>>> continues to be a place where the passion and expression of
>>>>>> hands-on, personal cinema, is studied, nurtured, and celebrated.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> George Spencer,
>>>>>> President, Millennium Film Workshop
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