I read with interest the request for films about farming/agriculture, so I 
thought I'd share the fact that  much of my work has been inspired by my move 
to rural, agricultural Sonoma County California including
 "Seasonal Forces  Parts 1 & 2"  (1995), super-8mm , color sound, 22 min  + 24 

a very brief synopsis:

An arbor covered with wisteria blooms extravagantly, only to collapse under the 
weight of a late Spring rain.  it is rebuilt and the cycle begins again.  In 
between occur an arson, flood, earthquake, wildfire, planting and the harvest.  
Part 2 reflects on the animals in our lives and their relation to us and to 
each ther as providers of food, companionship, clothing and sport.  Seasonal 
Forces further alludes to current land use controversies such as the dissonance 
between agricultural homesteads and tract developments; decade-old gardens 
destined to be abandoned to bulldozers, and the transformation of vibrant 
orchards into sterile vineyards.

Brian Frye wrote about the film at its premiere in San Francisco:

Lipzin's  Season Forces, reflects the terms and evolution of her engagement 
with the phenomena which shape the environment in which she lives and works... 
At times the filmmaker assumes the distance of the observer, documenting the 
fact of natural disaster or tracking the sun on its daily voyage from horizon 
to horizon.  At other times, she immerses the viewer in the brilliant immediacy 
of experience, marveling at the new harvest or the clamor of machinery.  In 
this way, the film identifies the tensions which bind author and text, speaker 
and spoken.  

My film sculpture, Home Entertainment Center for a Farmworker  (1989) 
incorporates a re-edited version of an advertising film for 
pesticide-distribution machinery into a cabinet constructed from materials 
found on my farm.
  " Dovetailing with the concerns address in Seasonal Forces, this 
viewer-activated film sculpture recognizes the poisonous hazards endured by the 
people who work in the orchards and vineyards of Sonoma County, offsetting this 
continuing exploitation with a literal alternative:  examples of produce grown 
by the artist using only the non-toxic diatomaceous earth with which they are 
dusted.  -"   Brian Frye.

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