I seldom find a Canon 514XL or 310XL that doesn't work!
Buy 6 of them if you need 5, just to play safe, you can find them pretty
cheap on ebay.

2016-06-09 13:25 GMT+02:00 Pip Chodorov <framewo...@re-voir.com>:

> Hey Kevin,
> We are lucky enough to work with Christophe Goulard who refurbishes Nizo
> super-8 cameras.
> He fixes them up, even adds new features, sells them through us and
> guarantees them for 90 days.
> One of the new features is an ASA dial so you can use the built-in light
> meter whether you are shooting 25 or 500ASA stock. Another is for the
> larger cameras, rewiring the light meter power to the AA battery supply so
> you no longer need the 625PX batteries.
> A list of current available cameras is here.
> http://re-voir.com/shop/en/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=nizo&submit_search=
> All the best!
> Pip
> At 12:15 -0500 8/06/16, Kevin O wrote:
>> Hello frameworks!
>> I'm applying for a grant to equip our mobile studio with enough super-8
>> cameras to run small workshops, like 5-10 total. Can anybody recommend a
>> store or individual that sells reliable, fairly basic but still manually
>> controllable refurbished super-8s?
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