I have been using numerous wind up and hand cranked cameras made by the Kodak 
company from the 1920s. One of which is the Cine Kodak Special. It's 
essentially the precursor to the Bolex H16. I've used it for stop motion, 
hand cranks, fade ins/fade outs etc. Obviously you can still get film for it, 
but the earlier Cine Kodak models such as the A, E and K come with teeth that 
take double perforated film. Places sell it here and there, but it has become 
hard to come by nowadays. Because of this, I've been recycling double perf 
leader and footage to make myself hand made emulsion to be used with these 
cameras. I've even debated snatching one of the oval keystone wind ups and 
making the use of it's motor for a hand crank system. Robert Schaller has 
done both former and latter. I would look him up. 


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