Hi guys,
I'm finishing a b+w 16mm film right now for Eve Fowler and some of the
shots in the answer print look like crapola and there's no way to get them
to look better (super under exposed, low contrast, just don't match the
rest of the film). Since we got our neg transferred to HD, we didn't
realize how shitty those shots were gonna look - they looked great on video.

doug, our timer  at the lab suggested we pull new shots, assemble them into
an A roll, bring that back to fotokem, have them time our new roll so as
not to have to charge for a whole new answer print, then once that's done,
drop them back into the A/B rolls and make a release print with the new
shots/new lights.

Is there anyone in LA who can do this for us? We are in a time crunch and I
don't have rewinds or an A/B roller or anything like that.

It's for a show that opens Nov 6th, so we need the print finished by the
1st. Eek!
can anyone out there help us?
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