Willard Maas and Marie Menken

Andy Ditzler
Founder and curator, Film Love: www.filmlove.org
Co-founder, John Q collective: www.johnq.org

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:59 AM, minou norouzi <minou.noro...@gmail.com>

> Dear Frameworkers,
> I'm doing some research on filmmaking couples and wondered if you could
> help?
> Am looking to identify filmmakers who are in relationships with other
> filmmakers, or those have been in the past, and where their individual
> works are distinct and separate from each other, rather than outright
> collaborations (if that makes sense). This, within the artist's film,
> artist-made film, experimental film genre.
> The pairings I'm looking to identify need not be heterosexual pairings;
> very open to historical suggestions as well. They just both need to have
> made a significant number of films of their own.
> Look forward to hearing your suggestions - very many thanks in advance!
> Minou
> minounorouzi.com
> sheffieldfringe.com
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