The one and only „Ornament Sound“ by Oskar Fischinger [c. 1932]


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From: FrameWorks [] On Behalf
Of Peter Szely
Sent: Donnerstag, 2. März 2017 14:28
Subject: [Frameworks] optical sound film screening


hello all,

my name is peter szely from ima, institute for media archeology.

feel free to check out our website <> 

 I have a question:

ima always set itself a yearly topic in our work.

this years topic is optical sound.

we plan to have workshops and concerts dealing with optical sound, and we
also plan to hav a film screening  of movies.

we are interested in movies where the sound comes from manipulations and
treatments such as drawing or scratching directly on the celluloid, 

do you have any recommendations of fine pieces of film working like this?

thanks in advance

best szely 

Peter Szely <> 

IMA / Institut für Medienarchäologie
Heinrich-Schneidmadl-Straße 15
3100 St. Pölten

Tel: 0043 6991 9561906



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