Joan Hawkins.  I mistook that for Joan Brederman, which got me to
thinking.  Professor Hawkins, forgive me for continuing, and for mistaking
your name for that of someone else.

Venessa Renwick has been showing work that is long-take footage of wild
animals, in particular shots of prey in flight.  It was shot by some guy, I
think there's even an interview with her about him.  I look at this list,
its contributors (has anyone ever just thought about Fred Camper's two
classifications of artists, I mean, is it any wonder we're effectively in
an equipment cage here . . but no, never mind, it will pass), the list and
who posts to it, why I thought, oh my god Joan Brederman posted to
frameworks, . . .

Well, I was going to say, Joan, I've only seen Joan does Dynasty, and not
all of it of course.  Being who I am, and admitting to it, I will risk also
admitting that I can't seem to forget the line about the star performer's
motivations, something about still getting laid at 40 or whatever.  Why
raise it now, why here?  No good reason, particularly here, but I was also
exposed to Martha Wilson work in performance, which is all stand-up acts.
In particular, a friend played Wilson's video of her performing Tipper
Gore.  And what she says in that act stays with me.  She says, speaking as
Tipper, something about being able to get laid with this guy Al, and
getting it for nothing.  Something like that.

My reaction? Moralist instincts.  Here I have to rely on Nietzsche, or
there would really be really no difference amongst us.  We'd all be reading
books on Antonioni (and by the way, there's a whole issue of October
magazine devoted to Michael Snow).  My reaction.  I was disappointed that
Wilson would represent a woman that way.  My friends?  Ok, it was ieke.
She is more interested in seeing such dated work in light of her own
media-immune work.  Not annoying because so tied into popular culture.
Strange for that reason.

Joan, would that you were Brederman.

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