Dear Margaret,
Some Stan Brakhage films in homage to specific individuals include "Water for Maya" [i.e. Maya Deren], 2 min, 25 sec.; "Visions in Meditation #4: D.H. Lawrence," 17 min. 41 sec; and "Last Hymn to the Night - Novalis," 17 min. 18 sec. Also, the fifth and final section of his "b series," subtitled "Sorrowing" (and by extension the entire film) was dedicated to Gregory Markopoulos, 12 minutes. ... Homages to larger groups of people might include "The Dead" (10 min. 21 sec., filmed in Paris/Père Lachaise cemetery), and "In Consideration of Pompeii," 4 min. 35 sec. ... Someone else mentioned "Sirius Remembered" (in homage to a family dog). Along those lines would also be "Pasht" (in honor of a cat). "Sirius Remembered" was also thought of as part of a trilogy, with "The Dead" and "Burial Path" (in part, I believe, in consideration of a late illness of Stan's friend, the literary critic, Donald Sutherland).

Marilyn Brakhage

On 18-Mar-17, at 8:43 AM, Margaret Rorison wrote:

Dear Film Friends,

I am curious about film eulogies and would love to know more films that have been made to honor someone. For example, Nathaniel Dorsky's August and After

​I am looking for short films in particular.

Poetic gestures of goodbye, final notes, odes...

thank you,
Margaret Rorison


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