Dearest frameworkers:

My father passed away a couple weeks ago, and during the service last week
a video of him was shown.  It had been shot within the last year, and it
reminded me of a work I made on him 12 years ago: Death of a Maniac I don't
even list as among my works in film or video (it incorporates both formats).

For some years I had been showing Mindy Faber's video on her mother,
Delirium, to various students (screen studies or ethics).  This was an
important reference for me, when I made Death of a Maniac, and in each case
there is the question of mental illness (think Foucault and Freud).

At the service I saw my mother, who is almost 90.  She said she showed the
DVD I made of my father to a long-standing friend of hers, someone with a
background in theater.  Olga objected to the work.  It is a cruel video.
Who would know that I showed it to my father shortly after I made it, and
seeing it prompted him to write an apology to another son.  Who would know
why someone would make such a video about a parent?

I remember reading a published exchange between Faber and Sandi DuBowski,
who made a video about his grandmother before she passed away
(Tomboychick).  Each had permitted or encouraged the parent to turn the
camera back onto them.  I believe they each had seen the parent die who
they had worked together with for the video.

But in my case, the father never handles the camera.  The maniac is a
natural clown.  Where would we find such a list of works, frameworkers, of
works that address an ambivalence toward a parent who will soon die?  Would
this constitute something more difficult to program than an homage to a
film artist who never asked questions in film?  Thus we have to announce a
certain difference in priorities, in what success looks like perhaps.

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