June 10–14, 2019 at The Museum of Modern Art, NY

Does your institution have a collection of avant-garde, experimental, or
artists’ films? Are you uncertain where to get started in caring for such a
collection? This five-day hands-on workshop will focus on the stewardship
of both analog and digital artists’ films within collecting institutions
such as museums, archives, libraries, and distributors. Participants will
gain the knowledge and tools necessary to properly acquire, store, migrate,
exhibit, and generally maintain these films, which have unique requirements
for their care and display.

The workshop will include expert-led sessions on the following topics:


   Technical history of filmmaking and film formats, with a focus on
   experimental and avant-garde artists’ practices

   Film acquisition workflows

   Strategies for collection surveys, registration, and long-term storage

   Basics of condition assessment

   Migration strategies related to exhibition and preservation

   Exhibition design, planning, and installation for both gallery and
   theater display

   Documentation methods and strategies

   Long-term care and advocacy for film collections

Participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to design and execute
action plans at their institutions to accomplish long-term preservation

Requirements for Application: Attendance is limited to a small cohort of no
more than sixteen participants. This workshop is open to staff from
museums, archives, libraries, distributors, and others who care for film
collections that include artists’ films. Applicants should be permanent
members of staff at their institution (full- or part-time). Participants
are expected to attend all five days. There is no registration fee for this
workshop. Travel and lodging will be reimbursed based on available funds
and the budgets submitted. English will be the language of instruction.

How to Apply: Please provide 1) a letter of interest (1,000 words maximum);
2) a CV; and 3) a budget of the anticipated cost of attendance, in U.S.
dollars. Additionally, applicants must complete the online Collection Data
Applications that do not meet all requested requirements will not be

The letter of interest must include: 1) Why participation in this workshop
is important to the film collection at the applicant’s institution; 2) a
brief history of the film collection and key institutional preservation
efforts to date; 3) the applicant’s work with the film collection to date;
4) how this workshop directly applies to the applicant’s day-to-day work;
and 5) the applicant’s prior experience with the topic, or lack thereof, as
well as attendance at any relevant conferences or workshops on related
topics. (This is to aid curriculum development—no prior experience with the
topic is required.)

Applications should be submitted to no later than
midnight EST on Thursday, January 31, 2019, with notifications expected by
the middle of March 2019. For more information, please visit

This workshop is part of The Museum of Modern Art’s Media Conservation
Initiative <>, generously funded by
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The Media Conservation Initiative seeks to
advance new strategies for the field of time-based media art preservation
and restoration.
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