Thanks Eric, thought this was the appropriate time to write something about it.


> On Apr 1, 2019, at 12:34 PM, Eric Theise <> wrote:
> I'm so glad you posted the story about walking into that "video store", 
> Dominic, I remember hearing you tell it elsewhere (BAMPFA?) and am glad to 
> see it "in print".
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 12:29 PM Dominic Angerame < 
> <>> wrote:
> I am so glad that I had the chance to meet and talk with Agnes Varda during 
> my lifetime. The first time I met her was when she presented “Vagabond" at 
> the World Theatre in Chinatown, San Francisco,  located around the corner 
> from my apartment. It was presented as part of a tribute by the San Francisco 
> International Film Festival and the film was being premiered. I approached 
> her after the screening in  my role of Executive Director for Canyon Cinema. 
> I wanted to have Canyon distribute her prints since they seemed almost 
> impossible to locate for rental at that time. She refused because she wanted 
> Canyon Cinema to pay for the prints. Alas Canyon had no policy or funds to 
> purchase prints for distribution. As such an opportunity to distribute her 
> films disappeared.
> The second time I met her was in Paris. My film "In the Course of Human 
> Events" was being shown as part of an art show curated by Paul Virilio called 
> "Ce Que Arrive". The exhibition focused on artwork and films that dealt with 
> disasters. Since my film " In the Course of Human Events” centered around 
> images of the destruction of a freeway that was damaged by the Loma Prieta 
> earthquake of 1989. . Also as part of the exhibition was Bruce Conner’s 
> “Crossroads" and "Boston Fire" by Peter Hutton and other experimental 
> filmmakers. The salon called Cafe de Penquin is located on Rue Deguerre. This 
> cafe was a meeting place where Paul Virilio would host the filmmakers and 
> curator of “Ce Qui Arrive” for lunch and conversation.  I had with Paul 
> Virilio in French about the role of artists in today’s society. Virilio 
> mentioned that the artists were the first victims in society. After lunch and 
> coffee I took a walk down the avenue to explore. Rue Deguerre was located at 
> the back end of the Montparnasse Cemetery and quite unique and scenic.
> I walked past a store front that had its windows entirely covered with 
> posters of Agnes Vardas’ films. At first I thought it was a video store. I 
> walked in and there was Agnes Varda sitting behind a flatbat editor with one 
> of her assistants. I had actually walked into Varda’s studio, it was not a 
> video store.After  I enter she walked over to the door and locked it. She 
> remembered my original meeting with her here in San Francisco. She then 
> invited me to a screening room in the back of the large studio. She told me 
> to sit down an then Agnes ask if I would like to view her new film, a sequel 
> to The Gleaners and I.  down She excused herself and came back with a bottle 
> of wine for me to enjoy as I watched the film. The film was great and after 
> the the private screening I left and thank her profusely for her kindness.
> The other time I had the chance to meet Agnes Varda was at the Viennale Film 
> Festival in Austria where I was honored to have a complete retrospective of 
> every film I had made. Once more she was smiling, talkative and I reminded 
> her of our previous meeting. She had remembered that incident with fondness 
> and was impressed on my boldness of entering her private studio.
> Dominic Angerame
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