''Here is a course of action: harden, worsen, accelerate decadence.
Adopt the perspective of active nihilism, exceed the mere
recognition-be it depressive or admiring–of the destruction of all
values. Become more and more incredulous. Push decadence further still
and accept, for instance, to destroy the belief in truth under all its
forms''  Jean-François Lyotard,, Driftworks (Columbia University,

2020-07-09 9:49 GMT-05:00, Bernard Roddy <roddy...@gmail.com>:
> Just looking up from my reading, which I'm transcribing below:
> "The most living thought becomes frigid in the formula that expresses it.
> The word turns against the idea. The letter kills the spirit. And our most
> ardent enthusiasm, as soon as it is externalized into action, is so
> naturally congealed into cold calculation of interest or vanity, the one
> takes so easily the shape of the other, that we might confuse them
> together, doubt our own sincerity, deny goodness and love, if we did not
> know that the dead retain for a time the features of the living."
> Bergson, Creative Evolution (MacMillan, 1928)
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