Posted by: "Nancy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   museofireland 
on Rhondas_Recipe_Exchange (group is closed)
Sun Aug 3, 2008 11:01 am (PDT) 
*My favorite ground beef recipe sounds nasty but is the very best casserole I 
have ever had. My grandma introduced me to it as a kid, and I've been making it 
ever since. I dont know what its called so lets make it

Grandma's Hambuger Casserole 


tomato soup
sweet onion
can of creamed corn ( i know it sounds gross, trust me on this one, 
its the best)
salt and pepper 


Slice potatoes thinly and layer in the bottom of a casserole dish. Pour on a 
thin layer of corn and onions and tomato soup, then salt and pepper. Lightly 
now repeat the layers again. Once you get to the top of your casserole dish, 
flatten hamburger on top evenly all the way across. Pour remainder of tomato 
soup on top, poke with fork, so it can get through. Salt and pepper again. 
Bake it at 400 degrees for about an hour covered with foil. mmm, wish I was 
having this tonight. 
* i know use ground turkey instead of hamburger

Rhonda G in Missouri
Pen Pal, Friend, Mom and Chief Bottle Washer


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