Hi Freedom Lovers!

I'm very excited to announce that for this month's free software discussion group will be held at VPAC Head Office! A huge thanks to Alex for generously arranging to have the group at his workplace.

    Melbourne Free Software Discussion Group
    Thursday 18 August, 6:30pm

    VPAC Head Office Training Room, Level 1
    Building 91
    110 Victoria Street
    Carlton South
    Map: http://www.vpac.org/about/contact

Please arrive a 15 mins early so we can let you in. We'll stick a phone number up on the window in case you're running late.

I'm hoping to have a mini-presentation or two arranged. Will keep you posted. If there's something you're interested in sharing, please let us know.

See you Thursday!

Website: http://www.softwarefreedom.com.au/free-software-melb/

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