On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Ben Finney <
ben+freesoftw...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:

> Adrian Colomitchi <acolomit...@gmail.com>
> writes:
> > On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Ben Finney <
> ben+freesoftw...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> > > From that it follows that it's unjust to deny the freedoms that accrue
> > > for functional use of a work, merely because the copyright holder
> > > doesn't think it has functional use.
> > >
> > My argument is: "since one cannot make a clear distinction between <it's
> a
> > program> or <it's just data>", then "what the computer does to
> > render/obtain the desired result" should NOT be a criterion in judging
> the
> > copyrights (or, for the matter at hand, copylefts - still based on
> > copyright laws), or at the very least *should not be the sole or even the
> > main criterion in balancing the rights of the copyright holder and the
> > rights of the consumer*.
> This quote from Eben Moglen is relevant:
>     “We can't depend for the long run on distinguishing one bitstream
>     from another in order to figure out which rules apply.” —Eben
>     Moglen, _Anarchism Triumphant_, 1999
> I'm arguing, and it appears you agree, that we can't depend on some
> fixed decision about which purposes are valid for a bitstream in order
> to determine which freedoms apply indefinitely for future recipients of
> it.
Yes, I agree.

But... as with any "negative proof/theorem", it only says: "It's impossible
to use X to guarantee Y".
It is not a proof for "But there exists another Z - be it simple or not -
that will guarantee Y".

Just to make my point clear, I have some subsequent assertions (one may
call it "conjectures" to go along with math terminology, I'm not offering a
demonstration for them):

1. there is a distinction between documentation and application software,
even if the distinction is not located in the "bitstreams".
Consequence: I cannot agree with the assertion of "one can treat
documentation the same way as one can treat application (source) code;
therefore, why does one need FDL when GPL is already there?"

2. due to the dynamic nature of the "copyright vs consumer rights balancing
act", there exists no* **fixed/static set of rules* one can use to say:
"For any software documentation A, the use GNU FDL hurts the society by
denying the maximal freedom of consumers over A" - for some A's FDL will be
better, for other A's will be worse.
In other words, I see the assertion of "FDL is not as free for
documentation as GPL is for application software" as irrelevant - there's
already enough freedom inside FDL to make it a solution, even if there's no
optimum to reach in in all and every cases.

3. there is *no critical need for a **clear cut, fixed/static set* *of rules
* to guarantee the freedom of software documentation (in general, and much
less for the one released under FDL); the current set of restrictions is
sufficiently lax to always allow *affordable workarounds* around any
particular cases (that is: I find the current copyright legislation as *fair
enough* for software documentation - with the notable exception of
DMCA-like laws, which have limited applicability to documentation anyway).
In other words, I can't see a strong reason to search for an "*unified* *free
license for everything*" (as a parallel to the "unified theory of
everything") that guarantees, under the *same terms*, equal
liberties/freedom for documentation and application software alike.

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