Howdy all,

On 3RRR's Byte Into It show for Wednesday 2013-07-24, we discussed
several topics of interest for software freedom.

* Attorney-General's Department misled Parliament on data retention

* CyanogenMod to include SELinux for secure permissions control.

* Wine 1.6 adds native MacOS X support, window transparency, and Mono

* Magic Lantern facilitates HDR photography by supplementing the
  camera's operating system.

* Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen from Flinders University expounded on the
  potential of serval mesh technology, and the Speak Freely project.

You can get the episode online at

 \        “It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.” |
  `\                                                       —David Hume |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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