Ben Sturmfels <> writes:

> Congrats to our new 2016-2017 committee, Ben Minerds (Pres), Michael
> Verrenkamp (Vice Pres), Damien Zammit (Secretary) and Ben Finney
> (Treasurer)!

Congratulations and thanks to the new committee.

> Again big thanks to the other members of our previous committee Scott
> Junner, Ben Minerds and Ben Finney. It's been a very productive year.
> :)

And to you also for serving as President, Ben S.

New committee, be sure to get yourselves subscribed to the mailing list
for committee correspondence. Chat with Ben M. for details.

 \      “As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely |
  `\       upon authority, there is no end to our troubles.” —Bertrand |
_o__)                                Russell, _Unpopular Essays_, 1950 |
Ben Finney

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