Damien Zammit <dam...@zammit.org> writes:

> I helped write me_cleaner specifically to remove the remaining huffman
> encoded modules such as its kernel and network stack.

Thank you for working on ‘me_cleaner’!

> The truth is, nobody currently knows the consequences of writing 0xff
> over these specific regions […] But it is an important step forward in
> the process of removing the ME.

I've had a private conversation with the ThinkPenguin folks, who had a
view that Intel is a dead end for making computers that respect user
freedom. So I'm glad to see you say that last sentence with more
optimism :-)

 \         “In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than |
  `\                         words without heart.” —Mohandas K. Gandhi |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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