Hey there freedom lovers, 

It is that time of the month again where we get together to discuss all things 
digital freedom. 

This month Tatiana Lenz is going to be talking about her experience as a Fellow 
with Code for Australia, working within the Victorian State Government's 
digital innovation program "Code for Victoria II - Women in Tech." Tatiana will 
touch on a couple of things:- the idea of civic tech, the inclusion program 
that was specifically aimed at recruiting women, building capability and 
empathy within the Public Service and the use of FOSS software.

Technically Tatiana will walk through the solution the team came up with, using 
free software, for rendering PDFs into text and HTML in order to make them 

There will also be the usual Gnews of the month followed by dinner and 
discussion at KL Bunga Raya after the event

Doors open at 6pm with the main event starting at 6:30pm and dinner to follow 
in North Melbourne after 8:30 pm.

All are welcome.

Thursday 15th February, 2018 6:30-8:30pm
Electron Workshop - 31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051
Map: http://osm.org/go/uG4HWyqEz?m=&node=2556615434
Travel tips by Electron Workshop: http://www.electronworkshop.com.au/map/
Running late or can't find us? Call 0419 390 496
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