Hi @ Everyone!

I came to your Mainling list just ocasionally. Find this verry interesting, if I had an X-BOX 360 I would immedialtey take out my electronic stuff and start workling on it, but this isn't the Point.

I read that monitoring the Systems bus would help in hacking.

Slowing down the Bus speed should not be a great Problem.

Usualy for a Computer system there is one XTAL oscilator whitch generates a reference Clock and the whole system relys on this. All other Clock's are generated by using PLL's. So, slowing down this would also slow down the hole System, without changing it's function.

All external devices such as HDD etc. could get inaccessible, as long as they are not "syncronized" too.

DRAM might loose Data. On a normal PC System this could maybe be overcome by changing the Data in the SPD-EEPROM an lowering the refresh times. (don't know how RAM is implemented)

The procedure is limited by the oscillators used for the PLL's. They might loose Syncronization if the Clock is chaged too much - at least if it is changed too much initially - . A good Idea would probably be to attach a Function Gerator instead of the XTAL, start with the nomial Frequncy and then slow down till the PLL's can't follow anymore, I think 50% of Clock decrease should be possible without problems.

Just exchanging the XTAL might not work (dependig on how the whole Thing works), because PLL's are usually captable of folowing the ref Frequency over a wide range as soon as they're locked on, but not to lock on on Frequnecy's much different then the nominal, so the Frequncy might have to be changed "slowly" while System is running.

Have a nice night!


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