> It seems that a lot of people have the wrong idea
> about this list (or I do:)). It has nothing to do with
> cracking copy protection and running of backed
> up/pirated games.
> The list is only concerend with developments that
> would allow users to run GNU/linux/bsd/whatever on an
> unmodified xbox360 am I right?
> Are the techniques used in pirating games and getting
> linux on the 360 so simmilar?
> /Alan

yes, both parties needs to get unsigned code to boot, either if its a
backup of a game, or a linux kernel. the difference with this list and a
pirate forum, is that pirates dont really care how they get the code
running, free60 can't use dvds distrubuted illegaly, cause it would cause
breaking the law.

- cpix

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