
The archive of the free@strikr.io engineering mailing list are open and 
available at https://www.mail-archive.com/free@strikr.io/

However any individual who wishes to actively engage in Strikr Free Software 
engineering discussions via the 'mailing list' has to get an 'invite'.

Invite is extended to an individual who is a/has
* Free software 'project' sponsor
* Free software project 'feature' sponsor
* Contributed three git pull requests
* Participated in defining a Free Software project architecture
* incubating a Free Sotware project with Strikr community
* existing Member of GNU, FSF project
* Sponsor of hosting infrastructure for Free Software project.
* Contributed to Free software project documentation.

Needless to say that the individual identifies with the Free software 
principles and licenses.


Choice, Freedom and Equality

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