Sorry, no binary packages for now.  Source is available at:

It's also in cvs, tagged as release-2-0-0-b1-unix, so a 
'cvs co -r release-2-0-0-b1-unix freeamp' should get it all...

Getting beta 1 compiled:

You need gtk+ 1.2.2 for the spiffy new ui.  It's preferable to use the very
latest stable gtk release, which is 1.2.6, but anything after 1.2.2 should
work just fine.

You'll also need a recent version of gcc.  It looks like gcc 2.95 should work
fine.  If you can get a prerelease of 2.95.2 (like debian unstable currently
has) that's preferable.  The version of egcs that RedHat 6.1 ships with is also
known to work..  If you get weird linking errors, you need a newer version of
gcc.  The reason for all this is that c++ support on linux sucks.  gcc 3.0
should fix it, but it's still a few months away from release.

This version should be fairly similar to the win32 version, complete with bugs.
So, if you find one (shouldn't be hard <grin>), please go submit it at:


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