there are actually options in the decoder for doing either fixed or
floating. it is a pretty good decoder.

i would suggest poking around in the lmc\xingmp3 directory.


On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Allan Frederiksen wrote:

> >there is actually a pure c decoder in there so that non-x86 platforms can
> >run freeamp.
> Ok, that is great.
> Is it a floating point version, or is there a version optimized for
> fixed-point arithmetic as well? Which files performs the actual decoding (in
> pure c)?
> >great. are you using win32 or linux to develop on?
> I have not decided yet. I am most familier with win32, but the profiler
> available of linux should be of higher quality, and since I need to do a lot
> of profiling in my thesis I might end up on a linux box.
> Regards,
> Allan
> _______________________________________________


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