On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 02:41:21PM -0500, Michael Rich wrote:
> > On many linux machines the current directory is not part of
> > the path for
> > security reasons.  So you might have to use
> >
> > # ./configure
> >
> > so it knows where to find "configure".
> That's what I've been doing (didn't understand exactly why, but i'd always
> seen it typed that way), but it still gives me the same error when i run as
> my user account, or as root.

What, exactly, is the error?

> I got a response from the redhat-axp list to verify the configure command is
> marked with execute permissions, so the command should actually be in the /
> directory?

In the / directory?  No, that's not what execute permissions mean.  Try this:

# ls -l configure

-rwxrwxr-x    1 scott    scott       89973 Dec 12 22:15 configure
If this "x" is there, then it is marked with execute permissions for the user.
If it isn't, then try this:

# chmod u+x configure

And then do the ls command again.  The "x" must be there for the configure
script to work.

> Anyhow, i can't get my builtin sound to work anyhow so it doesn't really
> matter if I get it to compile because I couldn't even hear anything.  :(

Yeah, that might prove to be a bit of a barrier. :)

> Thanks for the advice though, i'll let you know if I'm sucessful once I can
> get home from work to try.

Please do.

> mike




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