Because of some problems I have with mpg123 adding annoying pops
and hisses into my mp3 files, I would love to start using
freeamp as a backend to the mp3 gui I'm currently using.  My
problem is that it seems the -k option from mpg123 isn't
implemented in the mpg123 UI (err...  is implemented and is
commented out).  

I've been playing around with trying to get that to work for the
last couple minutes (using ChangePositionEvent instead of the
SetSkip that was commented out), but freeamp seems to want to
make me believe my inputted options should be files, and is
borking on them.

So, my question:

Is there a way to remove something from the arguments in the
UI's ProcessArgs so that the playlist creator code doesn't see

I've done a lot of Perl, but barely any C++, so I may just be
missing something obvious due to that.


|  _   _ eric richardson -- lead developer -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| | |_| |_  ___   __ _ ___ _ _  ______   _ __ _ _ ___ (_)___ __| |_  |
| |  _| ' \/ -_) / _` / _ \ ' \|_ / _ \ | '_ \ '_/ _ \| / -_) _|  _| |
|  \__|_||_\___| \__, \___/_||_/__\___/ | .__/_| \___// \___\__|\__| |
|                |___/                  |_|         |__/             |
| t h e   g o n z o   p r o j e c t , LLC.  enabling interactivity.  |

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