>      I want to know a few things.

> 1. I want to know how to change the tooltip for a button when it is pressed.
> 2. My mouse does not stick to my UI when I start moving it.Later when I release the MouseLbuttonUp and get back to the UI, the mouse sticks to the UI and starts moving with the mouse.
> 3. I have a radio button group. Also each button has two states (checked and unchecked). when a button is clicked I change the bitmap, and that particualr button alone takes the checked event. When I click some other button and get back to my old one it requires 2 clicks to get back back to checked state.That is because it goes from pressed state to normal state and then gets back to pressed state.How do I avoid these 2 clicks.Is there a mechanism in which I can send a event a message to that button that it should get back to normal state once some other button is clicked.

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