Attached is an improved version of the patch I sent in yesterday. I can't see
anything wrong with this one...

Does this get to go in?

Index: freeamp/plm/metadata/misc/misc.cpp


RCS file: /src/repository/freeamp/plm/metadata/misc/misc.cpp,v

retrieving revision 1.10

diff -c -r1.10 misc.cpp

*** freeamp/plm/metadata/misc/misc.cpp  2000/07/31 19:51:39     1.10

--- freeamp/plm/metadata/misc/misc.cpp  2000/08/30 02:07:10


*** 175,180 ****

--- 175,208 ----

          metadata->SetTitle("RTP Stream");



+ // do we need to come up with a track number?

+     if(!strncasecmp(url, "file://", 7) && !metadata->Track())

+     {

+         char* temp = new char[strlen(url) + 1];


+         strcpy(temp, url);


+         char* ext = strrchr(temp, '.');

+         char* file = strrchr(temp, '/'); // these are all URLs so we don't need 


+         if(ext) {

+             *ext = 0x00;

+             ext++;

+         }


+         if(!file)

+             file = temp;

+         else

+             file++;

+         while(file && !isdigit(*file))

+             file++;


+         if(strlen(file)>4)

+             metadata->SetTrack(atoi(file));


+         delete [] temp;

+     }


      // do we need to convert underscores?

      bool convertUnderscores = false;


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