hello everyone,

I've been helping out a local radio station get set up for live streaming...
previously they were streaming via real server (yech!) and I set them
up w/ a nice shoutcast stream... the only problem is archiving.

in their prior set-up they were running real producer on windows 98 (yech
again...). anyways, one thing that's really nice about real producer
is that it has a good command line interface. among other things you

1) specify what the name of the output file will be
2) specify how long real should encode before disconnecting

recently I came across free amp and love it... after doing a lot of research
I really think its the best thing out there for ripping / saving live
streams. the only problem is that there is no command line for the windows
version which makes it difficult to schedule bath jobs to encode things.

I was wondering if anybody here would have a good solution for this.
So far the only thing that comes to mind is running a batch job which

1)change the registry value for where to save the file (I'll have a different
directory for each show I archive. unfortunately I cant seem to specify
a file name to save it to....)
2)run a command like "freeamp mystation.m3u" with the save stream to
disk option on.
3)run a command that renames the saved file to a content specific name
(from "KXXX Live Stream.mp3" to "Jacks_show_121200.mp3 for instance)

I'm still not sure how I'm going to get it to stop after something like
an hour or two goes by (windows 98 doesnt lend itself to killing a process).

does anybody have any ideas on how I might be able to hot-rod freeamp
to help me w/ archiving? there's really nothing out there that's geared
towards creating mp3 archives of live content and I think w/ a little
shenagaling freeamp could fill this void nicely.

any help greatly appreciated.


p.s.  are there any plans in the works to give the windows client a command

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