
  I've been working on some automation of FreeAmp,
 via message posting.

  This is for a Jukebox server held in my office,
 it will allow people around the company to skip
 tracks, etc, remotely.

  Its all working beautifully, except for one
 thing - controlling the volume.

  Is it possible to induce FreeAmp to change the
 volume via sending Window messages?  I've looked
 at the code, and the volume control is a custom
 slider control (?) - so presumeably I'd need
 to send tracking messages?

  Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this in
 the simplest way possible?

  So far my code is fairly simple, and looks like

 * Skip to the previous track.
void PreviousTrack()
    long command = WINAMP_PREVIOUS_SONG;
    if ( isFreeamp )

    PostMessage( ghPlayer, WM_COMMAND, command, 0 );

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